Archive for the ‘Site policies’ Category
Orthodox Leader Policy Change
Back when I started this blog (see the first post), I wanted to encourage a more fruitful participation by readers through the requirement that individuals use real names. After all, in a face-to-face conversation, all parties know who their interlocutors are, if only to recognize them as individuals, as human beings worthy of respectful conversation.
What is clear here is that, for whatever reason, readers of this blog are overwhelmingly timid about making statements with their full names attached. Since the goal is for a greater discussion of the leadership challenges in North American Orthodoxy, the original requirement for full, real names is an impediment.
For at least the next month or so, this requirement is lifted, with the possibility of the change becoming permanent. I still think the use of real names shows maturity and a willingness to engage in Christian dialog even when there is disagreement. Thus, I encourage, in decreasing order of preference, the use of one’s full name, first name and last or middle initial, or first name only. Of course, it’s hard for me to tell if you’re using a pseudonym, if that’s really the way it has to be. An email address (which will never be disclosed, sold, bartered, or otherwise used for any purpose other than contacting you in relation to Orthodox Leader discussions) is still required.
Under no circumstances will I edit a comment. If it’s a minor problem and I have the time, I’ll ask you to fix it and resubmit. If it’s a major problem (to include name calling, invective, foul language, legal issues, etc.), I’ll just delete it.
Thanks in advance to those of you who have taken the time to read my meager words and especially to those who have taken the time to comment.