A Response on the Asceticism Talk
I am being taken to task at Monomakhos, both by the site’s editor and by Mr. John Couretas, communications director for Acton, for raising the issue that there was a significant difference between the text of Metropolitan Jonah’s talk “Asceticism and the Consumer Society” and the talk as actually given. It has been suggested that I have a “major axe to grind,” but that’s not true. In fact, what I have provided to the readers of this blog is a service (two services, actually). I hunted down the audio of the main portion of the talk, cleaned it up a bit, and made it available to all. I transcribed, as carefully as I could, the audio to text. Readers are encouraged to listen and read the actual talk and compare it with the posted text and then make up their own minds. If you don’t think my questions are fair, you’re free to disagree, either privately or in the comments.
As for the general suggestion that delivered talks always depart from the prepared text to some degree, I am well aware of this phenomenon. However, one must consider that the text posted by Acton is approximately 2,600 words (according to Microsoft Word), while the actual address contains approximately 4,560 words, an increase of 75% in the word count. Nearly half of what His Beatitude said to the audience at Acton is not reflected in the text of the Talk of Record. The address was remarkably well received. Perhaps what the participants found so amazing was among those 2,000 words not in the posted text rather than in words that were never uttered at the microphone in the first place.
I offer no conspiracy theory. When asked whether I thought something was amiss, I said, “I don’t know.” I even spelled out my thinking, carefully, placing my cards on the table for all to see. I think Mr. Couretas’s statement that, “In the course of his talk, Jonah cited Orthodox Christian theologian Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s definition of secularism” in the context of “delivery on…June 16” is, at best, inaccurate. Nowhere in the “course of his talk” as delivered on June 16 did His Beatitude mention Alexander Schmemann. (Listen or read for yourself.) The point concerning Schmemann (or worship, another near non-topic in the actual address) is not the issue, but rather that a specific statement referencing something that was never said was added in a description of the address. This is not part of the construction of a conspiracy theory, but rather highlights the necessity of striving for accuracy in reporting. In fact, as I have written before, accurately presenting what is said and done is key to good leadership and understanding.
I’ll close with some questions: Would readers be better off not having the actual address? Am I to be faulted for making a more accurate transcription of a well-received talk available free of charge to all? Am I to be faulted for pondering why the published talk and the actual talk are markedly different from one another?
Nick Katich:
July 15th, 2011 at 7:23 pm
Father: Don’t worry about George and Monomakhos. George has become a sensationalist with a small following. He likes to twist things into a pretzel even if it is actually a ciabatta. He thinks it will increase his fame and readership. I left the site some time ago because of his revisionist history which he bends to fit his mantra of the moment. And, by the way, a critical textual analysis leads me to believe that some of his posters are actually psuedonyms for him based on their style, vocabulary and buzz words. It is a house of straw and not a serious edifice.
July 16th, 2011 at 5:44 pm
Father, bless! Thanks again for this service. I took your posts pretty much as you have presented them–as honest (and understandable, given the facts) questions about the Acton process and an attempt to provide a service to readers interested in *all* that HB actually said. I certainly didn’t take it as criticism of HB or his talk as was asserted at George’s site. George and a few of his readers seem to have a particular talent for adding 2 + 2 and coming up with considerably more than 4. IOW, I agree on the whole with Nick’s assessment of the Monomakhos site.
Mat. Elizabeth:
July 17th, 2011 at 4:35 pm
Amen both to Nick and Karen’s comments. God be with you, Father, and keep up the good work.
Matushka Jan Koczak:
July 19th, 2011 at 8:03 am
I agree with Nick and Karen — and add my “Amen!” to Mat. Elizabeth’s.
Thinking of the Monomakhos site and some of the other uncivil “Orthodox Christian” blogs, I just recalled a song (or was it a group) from the past — Pretzel Logic. Such blogs and their supporters twist themselves into pretzels to prove their point; even then, their point often differs wildly (and darkly) from the truth.
With prayers for Christ’s peace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit!
Matushka Jan Koczak:
July 19th, 2011 at 1:14 pm
I want to add another note, Fr. Basil. (Sorry I didn’t do this in my 1st comment.) From your post: “…as I have written before, accurately presenting what is said and done is key to good leadership and understanding.” I agree with this statement!
Also from your post: “Would readers be better off not having the actual address? Am I to be faulted for making a more accurate transcription of a well-received talk available free of charge to all? Am I to be faulted for pondering why the published talk and the actual talk are markedly different from one another?” I answer “No,” “No,” and “No.” I’d never heard of Acton until our Metropolitan Jonah spoke at their institute. I think even less of them as their answers to your questions seem to be “Yes,” “Yes,” and “Yes.” Not only are they also not showing leadership, but they are also being quite unprofessional.
Nicole Troon:
August 13th, 2011 at 11:14 pm
Thank you Fr Basil as always for providing tempered, reasoned posts with good information and good insight. I am saddened by inflammatory blogging which, unlike your own, often ends if not begins in nonOrthodox tone, content, and intent. We need a genuinely Orthodox discussion in agreement or disagreement about important issues. Gratefully in Christ, Nicole Troon, Orthodox layperson